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Agent’s Representative VIC



Online Course | Self-paced learning

Apply to start working as an Agents' Representative in Real Estate

An agent's representative acts for or is employed by a licensed estate agent can perform legal function with written authorisation.

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Online Course | Self-paced learning

Apply to start working as an Agents' Representative in Real Estate

An agent's representative acts for or is employed by a licensed estate agent can perform legal function with written authorisation.

Start Now Setup a callback Download course guide
Registered Training Organisation: 31474

Only the best in online learning

Online Learning Materials

24/7 access to our interactive online learning materials. No printing, handwriting or scanning. No classes to attend. Study anytime.

Online Assessment

Open book assessment. You can attempt the questions as many times as needed. Our trainers can talk to you over the phone or via livechat to answer any questions you may have.

Download Your Certificate

All certificates completed with us are stored within your student portal for access at anytime in the future. All of our certificates are verified with the latest QR security feature.

Registered Training Organisation: 31474

Only the best in online learning

Online Learning Materials

24/7 access to our interactive online learning materials. No printing, handwriting or scanning. No classes to attend. Study anytime.

Online Assessment

Open book assessment. You can attempt the questions as many times as needed. Our trainers can talk to you over the phone or via livechat to answer any questions you may have.

Download Your Certificate

All certificates completed with us are stored within your student portal for access at anytime in the future. All of our certificates are verified with the latest QR security feature.

Trendy cooking tonight

How long does this course take?

Every student is different in the time it takes to complete. On average, most students finish this course within 1-3 months.

Completion time depends on prior industry experience and other courses completed in the past.

When can I start the course?

Our course is open for enrolment at any time! Once you have paid and enrol you can start the course right away.


Trendy cooking tonight

Trendy cooking tonight

If I fail an assessment, can I retry again?

We provide unlimited re-submissions. You can re-submit the assessment as many times as you need. The assessment is open book.

The majority of the assessment is long and short answer questions.

Other assessment tasks include:

  • Complete an appraisal, a marketing plan, a prospecting plan using the templates provided.
  • Carry out a property inspection and organise maintenance.
  • Prepare to auction two properties (one single auction site and one in-room auction) & Execute a contract of sale from a property which has been auctioned.
  • Uploading a video or audio of yourself for a role-play (demonstration of an appraisal, presenting property listing, discussing aspects of a tenancy agreement).
  • Developing some marketing documents and a mock social media profile using the templates we provide you.
    Review some transactions in a simulated trust account.

There is a short Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test of 8 questions to complete which we are required to have.

There are learning guides and an assessment for each unit.

We have a pay upfront option or a payment plan.

Please click here to see current pricing.

Yes, the unit and the qualification we offer are nationally accredited. We are a current registered training organisation (RTO:31474).

Please find us on by clicking here.

The government sets guidelines for this qualification, and every training organisation can develop the course in various ways. Our training organisation focuses on the quality of the learning experience.

Some differences that set us apart from other training organisations:

  • Great care and support. It may be instructions or supporting videos and sound bites recorded to clarify questions.
  • We strive to make sure the learning materials reconcile with the assessments. We are always updating and improving our materials.
  • Information and pathways are easy to find and follow. We want to break this lack of empathy for the student's well-being and the ability to finish courses.
  • Our online portal is easy to use and navigate. Many online platforms used by other organisations are 10-20 years behind.
  • No printing, handwriting or scanning to waste more time wrestling with individual papers by the hundreds.

There are 18 units in this course. See the units tab below for a full list of units.

We want you to complete your course and we're with you every step of the way!

  • Professional trainers with a wealth of industry knowledge.
  • Our trainers and staff are more than happy to talk to you anytime via LiveChat, our student system messaging system or via a scheduled time over the phone.

We provide support for 12 months from the date of enrolment. You can finish the course at any time. Course extensions are available if needed; please see our student handbook for fees.

Once you have enrolled with us you upload and submit relevant evidence i.e. resume, certificates achieved, industry awards, inspection reports, proposals, marketing plans, sales contracts.

A quick phone or zoom interview may be required which is conducted by one of assessors. You can then potentially be deemed competent for units in the course which can shorten the duration of the course and cut down on the study load.

You can download our RPL Evidence Guide by clicking here. On page 5 you can see what types of evidence you can submit.

Trendy cooking tonight

How long does this course take?

Every student is different in the time it takes to complete. On average, most students finish this course within 1-3 months.

Completion time depends on prior industry experience and other courses completed in the past.

When can I start the course?

Our course is open for enrolment at any time! Once you have paid and enrol you can start the course right away.

Trendy cooking tonight

Trendy cooking tonight

If I fail an assessment, can I retry again?

We provide unlimited re-submissions. You can re-submit the assessment as many times as you need. The assessment is open book.

The majority of the assessment is long and short answer questions.

Other assessment tasks include:

  • review parts of real estate legislation.
  • complete a leasing authority, residential agreement and other forms using the templates we provide.
  • upload an audio for 2 different role plays (Role Play 1: Handling a seller enquiry, and Role Play 2: handling a property management complaint).

There is a short Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test of 8 questions to complete which we are required to have.

There are learning guides and an assessment for each unit.

We have a pay upfront option or a payment plan.

Please click here to see current pricing.

Yes, the unit and the qualification we offer are nationally accredited. We are a current registered training organisation (RTO:31474).

Please find us on by clicking here.

The government sets guidelines for this qualification, and every training organisation can develop the course in various ways. Our training organisation focuses on the quality of the learning experience.

Some differences that set us apart from other training organisations:

  • Great care and support. It may be instructions or supporting videos and sound bites recorded to clarify questions.
  • We strive to make sure the learning materials reconcile with the assessments. We are always updating and improving our materials.
  • Information and pathways are easy to find and follow. We want to break this lack of empathy for the student's well-being and the ability to finish courses.
  • Our online portal is easy to use and navigate. Many online platforms used by other organisations are 10-20 years behind.
  • No printing, handwriting or scanning to waste more time wrestling with individual papers by the hundreds.

There are 18 units in this course. See the units tab below for a full list of units.

We want you to complete your course and we're with you every step of the way!

  • Professional trainers with a wealth of industry knowledge.
  • Our trainers and staff are more than happy to talk to you anytime via LiveChat, our student system messaging system or via a scheduled time over the phone.

We provide support for 12 months from the date of enrolment. You can finish the course at any time. Course extensions are available if needed; please see our student handbook for fees.

Once you have enrolled with us you upload and submit relevant evidence i.e. resume, certificates achieved, industry awards, inspection reports, proposals, marketing plans, sales contracts.

A quick phone or zoom interview may be required which is conducted by one of assessors. You can then potentially be deemed competent for units in the course which can shorten the duration of the course and cut down on the study load.

You can download our RPL Evidence Guide by clicking here. On page 5 you can see what types of evidence you can submit.

Course Details

How long will it take to complete this course?Within 1-3 months on average.
Support durationUp to 12 months of support by phone, email, or message. Extensions are available to students at an additional fee.

Potential career outcomesProperty manager
Sales person
Active support staff
Office administration
Delivery MethodsOnline
AssessmentsShort-answer questions
Scenario-based questions
Simulated role play

Our video course covers working as a real estate agent in Melbourne & VIC.

CPPREP4001Prepare for professional practice in real estate

CPPREP4002 Access and interpret ethical practice in real estate

CPPREP4003 Access and interpret legislation in real estate

CPPREP4004 Establish marketing and communication profiles in real estate

CPPREP4005 & CPPREP4125 (Trust Accounts) Prepare to work with real estate trust accounts & Transact in trust accounts

CPPREP4101 Appraise property for sale or lease

CPPREP4102 Market property

CPPREP4103, CPPREP4104 & CPPREP4105 (Property Sales) Establish vendor relationships, Establish buyer relationships & Sell property

CPPREP4121, CPPREP4122, CPPREP4123 & CPPREP4124 (Property Management) Establish landlord relationships, Manage tenant relationships, Manage tenancy & End tenancy

CPPREP5010 Manage customer service activities in the property industry

CPPCOM4002 Implement safe work practices in the property industry

CPPREP4506 Manage offsite and lone worker safety in real estate

Are there any requirements to start this course?

To undertake any of our courses you must:

  • be 18 years of age or older
  • not be currently residing in Australia on a student visa (subclass 500), and
  • have read the summary page of the student handbook.

You must also complete a short Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test.

What do I need to complete this course online?

You will require:

  • A personal computer, tablet or similar electronic device
  • Access to Microsoft Word and Excel or Google Docs and Sheets or Apple Pages and Numbers
  • A pdf reader like Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • An internet connection
What is the Student Handbook?

Students are required to download and read the Student Handbook Summary Page.

The Student Handbook sets out your rights and responsibilities as a student of Connect Skills Institute.

How do I apply to Consumer Affairs?

You must provide your employer with a copy of your statement of attainment/certificate.

Your employer is required to verify your eligibility and notify the Business Licensing Authority when you start work. For more information see:


  • Flexible learning 24/7 access
  • Your portal is a great way to communicate with us and us to you
  • Your certificate will be accessible on your portal with the latest security features
  • All assessments are entered into your learning portal - so students don’t have to download the assessment, print out, fill out, scan in and upload
  • Statement of attainment is generated at the end of the course onto your portal for the student to access straight away
  • Learning manual full of fact sheets, rules of conduct and information from their website about agency practice
  • Study Guide document included
  • Videos for each unit

Students have up to one year to complete this course.

Our online learning platform is an economical and flexible way to complete this course. You can log on at any time and work towards completion at your own pace.

Message your trainer on our online learning platform to ask them any questions you may have.

Pay Upfront

Options include:

  • Visa, Mastercard, American Express debit or credit card
  • Paypal
  • Direct bank transfer (Please get in touch with us for EFT. Usually takes 1-2 days to process.)
Payment Plan

Pay for your online course in instalments via:

  • Zip
  • Paypal 'Pay in 4'

Please refer to the Student Fees Policy under the student resources tab in the main menu for more information regarding fees.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="How long does the course take to complete?" answer-0="The average completion of this course is 1-3 months or less. Some students may finish faster depending on prior experience or knowledge. We give you up to 12 months support to complete the course from the time of enrolment so that you can work at your own pace." image-0="" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is this course delivered online?" answer-1="Yes. All learning materials and assessment are accessed and completed online. Includes video learning guides. Your certificate is held within your student portal- forever!" image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="How much does this course cost?" answer-2="We have two different payment options. A pay upfront/in full option or get started right away an interest-free payment plan." image-2="" headline-3="h3" question-3="What kind of assessments are there?" answer-3="Assessment includes multiple-choice, questions (long and short answers, scenarios), filling out a form and 2 practical activities. You can attempt the assessments as many times as you need." image-3="" headline-4="h3" question-4="What kind of support do you offer?" answer-4="We want you to complete your course and we're with you every step of the way! Our trainer is more than happy to talk to you anytime via LiveChat, our student system messaging system or via a scheduled time over the phone." image-4="" count="5" html="true" css_class=""]

How many units are there in the course?

There are 18 units of learning.

How is the course delivered online?

All the materials tools and forms are online, including learner guides.

The videos are to provide an opinion about that unit and real estate practice.

The assessment questions are answered all online and nothing for you to print.

Why do I need to do these units?

We have chosen to deliver the units that are required by law in Victoria. The course outcomes match the requirements made by the regulator.

What do I get when I finish the course?

You will be provided a statement of attainment/qualification. Provide a copy of this to your state regulator when applying. A copy will be on your eLearning portal to access at anytime.

Are there any exams at the end of the course?

Yes there is one assessment for each unit.

I find schools materials are all over the place and I’m searching the internet for resources that don’t exist and I waste all my time doing that. Are your courses the same?

We understand and we have made sure that all materials you will need are contained in the portal and our assessments align with the learning material in the same order for ease of reference.

How do I apply?

When you get a job, your employer will inform Consumer Affairs that you have started work in real estate. Your employer will need to see a copy of the statement of attainment and a police check from the AFP. The police check needs to be provided to your employer within 3 months of starting the job and report can no older than 6 months.

How come the workshop price is higher than online?

The workshop pricing allows for the additional cost of qualified and industry experienced people to conduct the course and materials used.

How do I know my employer has done this?

You will be involved in providing the documents and can ask the employer. Otherwise, go to Consumer Affairs website and look up the public register for estate agents and search under your name or the employer and look for a record.

Do I need to complete any CPD, continuing professional development in VIC?

No, it's not a statutory requirement / legal requirement to complete CPD points every year. The REIV as a condition of being a member you are encouraged to do CPD. This is non-compulsory. There are many ways to stay up to date. Subscribe to email updates with Consumer Affairs. Access the Consumer Affairs learning manual we provide to you.

I can find this course cheaper elsewhere. What is the difference?

The course fee and your budget is an important part of your decision criteria. The race to the bottom on price has meant a lowering of standards from training companies delivering courses.

The worst-case scenario would be your holding a certificate that has a stigma around it and not accepted by the industry and government regulators because a cheaper operator hasn't been able to comply with the law or be found to have cut too many corners and are a risk for the government and the consumer.

Basic business understanding is if you don’t make enough profit you can’t invest in yourself so functioning by best practice is too expensive for these providers and they tend to come and go.

We are real estate people with real experience, and we care about real knowledge transfer. The biggest complaint in the training industry is a lack of service and information. So it's important for us to commit to best practice so you do the best we can do.

This is the same challenge experienced by real estate agents as to what you charge and how you can justify the level of service to your clients.

Payment Options

Enrol now and get started right away!

Payment Options

Enrol now and get started right away!

Payment Options

Enrol now and get started right away!

Enrol Now

Upfront or Payment Plan
Payment plans available via Zip or Paypal 'Pay in 4'.

Course fee was: $1600

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Start Now
  • 24/7 Student Portal Access
  • Engaging Online Learning Guides
  • Personal Trainer Support
  • Online Assessments (No Printing, Handwriting or Scanning)
  • Unlimited Assessment Re-submissions
  • Fully Secure Online Certificate (Download Anytime)

Have more than one student or a group?

Get in touch with us for special pricing.

Student Feedback

Have any questions about this real estate course?

Book in for a callback with our course manager so we can discuss your unique situation and needs.

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