What is a Credit Transfer (CT)?
Credit Transfer is where you may be granted acknowledgement on the basis of identical prior studies gained through other Registered Training Organisations or education providers such as a TAFE or university.
For example, you may have completed the same unit of competency at another institution undertaking another course. This will be verified if the unit has the same title and unit code number.

Connect Skills Institute will check your statement of attainment/qualification for authenticity by contacting the RTO who generated the document.
Connect Skills Institute holds the right to refuse any statement of attainment/qualification that is deems to be flawed or fraudulent.
Connect Skills Institute does not charge fees for credit transfer.
If a course title or code doesn’t precisely match, an RPL mapping process can be conducted to determine whether the unit requirements have been met at the discretion of Connect Skills Institute Assessors. This also includes units/qualifications held from previous training packages. More information on recognition of prior learning (RPL) can be found here.
What do I need to submit?
Where Credit Transfer is being applied you must provide the unit, subject or competency information in the statement format. This information is found on a statement of attainment, certificate(s), qualification(s) or USI transcript.
What is the credit transfer process?
Step 1 – Acquire a soft copy of your documentation (statement of attainment, certificate(s), qualification(s) or USI transcript). a soft copy of your documentation (statement of attainment, certificate(s), qualification(s) or USI transcript).
Step 2 – Fill out our online application form and upload your document(s). You can find the link to our application form inside your student portal. You can also email your documents to admin@connectskillsinstitute.edu.au.
Step 3 – We review your evidence and we may contact the previous education provider to verify the authenticity of your documentation. At times, the previous education provider may require an authorisation letter signed by you.
Step 4 – If your credit transfer is accepted, your student record will be uploaded to reflect your credit(s).

USI Transcript – How to access & give permission
In order to access your USI transcript, we need you to give permission to us.
Please see the instructions below (as per https://www.usi.gov.au/students/give-provider-access)
- Go to www.usi.gov.au and select “Student Login”
- Agree to the terms and conditions and login to your account
- Select “Provide your USI”
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see Set up access to your USI Account/Permissions. Click on the “Add Organisation” button
- You will then be able to search for your training organisation by either their Organisation Code or Organisation Name. Enter these details and press “Search”
- A list of organisations will appear. Once you have found the correct training organisation, press the “Add” button
- You will see the Organisation Details at the top. Below will be your permissions View Transcript, View Details and Update Details
- Select which permissions you wish to give your training organisation, then select how long you would like to give permission to your training organisation
- Select the “Save” button
- Once you have saved the permissions you can still Edit or Remove the permissions
If you require further assistance, please contact the Office of the Student Identifiers Registrar on 1300 857 536 between 9am and 5pm Australian Eastern Time Monday to Friday.