How Much Rent To Charge Calculator - Australia

Use our free calculator to find out how much rent to charge for a given property below to find out an estimate for either house or unit.
How Much Rent To Charge?
To work out how much rent you should be charging for your property will need to consider the location of the property, other property rental prices in the area, the type of property and the characteristics of the property. 
Use the calculator below, which can provide an estimated rental price which is based on real-world data and rental returns.
This calculator works best for properties located in and around capital areas. The suggested rental price for regional properties may not be as accurate.
The calculator is designed to be a good gauge or starting point before looking at other comparable properties in the same area.

How do I use the calculator?
Simply select the state or territory the property is located in, then enter the $ amount of the property.
The property sale price is an important figure because if the property price is not accurate to the state/territory in which it is located in, it can skew the suggested weekly rental price and give an inaccurate result.
How Do I Find A More Accurate Estimate?
For a more accurate estimate of how much rent you should charge for your property, you can also compare your property to others within the same area that have much the same characteristics, such as the number of bedrooms or bathrooms, type of utilities and number of parking spaces.
Data is sourced from capital data for each state and territory from December 2021.
This calculator and the weekly rent figures are provided as an estimate only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.