A Guide to Mutual Recognition in Real Estate

Dreaming of a fresh career start in a new state or territory in Australia?

Mutual recognition in real estate makes it easier than ever!

This agreement streamlines the process for qualified professionals to work across participating Australian states and even New Zealand, without needing a new license.

So, what exactly is mutual recognition?

Think of it as a handshake between jurisdictions, recognising the equivalent value of each other’s real estate credentials.

This means if you’re a licensed professional in one state, you can apply for recognition in another, potentially opening doors to exciting new opportunities.

How does it work in Australia?

Currently, Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia participate in the Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme.

Western Australia is expected to join soon, while other states are following suit.

To tap into this network, follow these steps:

  1. Check your eligibility: Ensure your profession falls under the scheme and your qualifications meet the requirements.
  2. Choose your destination: Pick the state where you want to work.
  3. Apply for recognition: Each state has its own application process, so make sure you follow the specific guidelines.
  4. Start working: Once approved, you can begin building your career in your new location!

What about New Zealand?

If you’ve ever envisioned yourself selling beachfront properties in Auckland, good news!

The Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement allows Australian real estate professionals to apply for equivalent New Zealand qualifications.

Simply submit your application to the New Zealand Real Estate Authority (NZREA) and meet their requirements.

Ready to make your move?

Mutual recognition empowers real estate professionals with greater flexibility and career mobility. Whether you’re seeking a change of scenery or expanding your business reach, this agreement opens doors to a wider market and exciting possibilities.


  • Double-check the specific requirements for your chosen state or New Zealand.
  • Start planning early, as processing times can vary.
  • Embrace the adventure and explore the potential waiting for you across borders!

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult the relevant authorities for the latest regulations and specific requirements.

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